
Because music is a large part of Preston's life, he's compiled a playlist for each book in which each poem has its own song, in order so that you can listen to the playlist as you read.


JOAN:ARC released in June 2023 and follows the life, trials, and death of Joan of Arc told through visceral imagery, a fairy's touch, and the breath of angels.

It can be purchased from Ethel Zine & Micro Press here.

JOAN:ARC the Playlist:

Coming soon!


Red Rover, Red Lover released in March 2020 and follows the speaker's relationship with the Greek figure Apollo, with their relationship following the trajectory of the Apollo Space Missions.

It can be purchased from Roaring Junior Press here. While physical copies from the press have sold out, it can still be purchased as an ebook.  

Red Rover, Red Lover The Playlist:

Spotify Playlist

Apple Music Playlist